Educational interventions, including behavioral strat-egies and habilitative therapies, are the cornerstones ofmanagement of ASDs. These interventions address com-munication, social skills, daily-living skills, play and lei-sure skills, academic achievement, and maladaptive be-haviors.
Optimization of medical care is also likely to have apositive impact on habilitative progress and quality oflife. In addition to routine preventive care and treatmentof acute illnesses, management of sleep dysfunction,coexisting challenging behaviors or psychiatric condi-tions, and associated medical problems, such as seizures,may be particularly important. Medications have notbeen proven to correct the core deficits of ASDs and arenot the primary treatment. However, associated mal-adaptive behaviors or psychiatric comorbidities may in-terfere with educational progress, socialization, health orsafety, and quality of life. These behaviors may be ame-nable to psychopharmacologic intervention or, in somecases, treatment of underlying medical conditions thatare causing or exacerbating the behaviors. Effectivemedical management may allow a child with an ASD tobenefit more optimally from educational interventions.
Educational interventions, including ...[详细]