(3)新指南强调了达标和维持目标(长期达标)[The main objective of hypertension treatment is to attain and maintain goal BP].
(4)新指南不是那么强烈推荐起始联合了[Some committee members recommend],而是“起始单药再单药加量”、“起始单药再加第二种”、“起始两种联合”三种策略都可以。
Hypertension is the most common condition seen in primary care and leads to myocardialinfarction, stroke, renal failure, and death if not detected early and treated appropriately.Patients want to be assured that blood pressure (BP) treatment will reduce their diseaseburden, while clinicians want guidance on hypertension management using the best scientificevidence. This report takes a rigorous, evidence-based approach to recommend treatmentthresholds, goals, and medications in the management of hypertension in **s. Evidencewas drawn from randomized controlled trials, which represent the gold standard fordetermining efficacy and effectiveness. Evidence quality and recommendations were gradedbased on their effect on important outcomes.