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您所在的位置:首页>心血管内科诊疗指南> 2011ACCF/AHA/HRS房颤患者管理指南


2014-05-15 11:24 阅读:1572 来源:爱爱医 责任编辑:张子玲
[导读]These updated guideline recommendations reflect a con-sensus of expert opinion after a thorough review primarily oflate-breaking clinical trials identified through a broad-basedvetting process as being important to the relevant patientpopul


These updated guideline recommendations reflect a con-sensus of expert opinion after a thorough review primarily oflate-breaking clinical trials identified through a broad-basedvetting process as being important to the relevant patientpopulation, as well as other new data deemed to have animpact on patient care (see Section 1.1, Methodology andEvidence Review, for details)。 This focused update is notintended to represent an update based on a full literaturereview from the date of the previous guideline publication.Specific criteria/considerations for inclusion of new datainclude the following.


A primary challenge in the development of clinical practiceguidelines is keeping pace with the stream of new data onwhich recommendations are based. In an effort to respondpromptly to new evidence, the American College of Cardi-ology Foundation/American Heart Association (ACCF/AHA)Task Force on Practice Guidelines has created a “focusedupdate” process to revise the existing guideline recommen-dations that are affected by the evolving data or opinion.Before the initiation of this focused approach, periodicupdates and revisions of existing guidelines required up to 3years to complete. Now, however, new evidence will bereviewed in an ongoing fashion to more efficiently respond toimportant science and treatment trends that could have amajor impact on patient outcomes and quality of care.Evidence will be reviewed at least twice a year, and updateswill be initiated on an as-needed basis and completed asquickly as possible while maintaining the rigorous method-ology that the ACCF and AHA have developed during theirpartnership of more than 20 years.

These updated guideline recommendations reflect a con-sensus of expert opinion after a thorough review primarily oflate-breaking clinical trials identified through a broad-basedvetting process as being important to the relevant patientpopulation, as well as other new data deemed to have animpact on patient care (see Section 1.1, Methodology andEvidence Review, for details)。 This focused update is notintended to represent an update based on a full literaturereview from the date of the previous guideline publication.Specific criteria/considerations for inclusion of new datainclude the following.







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