《2011NICESCIE 痴呆临床指南(患者版)》内容预览
This booklet is about the support and treatment of people with dementia in the NHS and social care services in England and Wales. It explains a guideline from NICE (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) and SCIE (the Social Care Institute for Excellence). It is written for people with dementia and their carers, but it may also be useful for anyone with an interest in the condition.
The booklet aims to help you understand the support and treatment options that should be available in the NHS and social care. It does not describe dementia or the tests or treatments for it in detail. A member of your health and/or social care team should discuss these with you.
To help you, there are examples of questions you could ask your care team throughout this booklet. Some sources of further information and support are on page 24.
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The goal of this Guideline project wa...[详细]