These Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) and Clinical Practice Recommendations(CPRs) are based upon the best ***rmation available at the time of publication. They aredesigned to provide ***rmation and assist decision making. They are not intended to definea standard of care and should not be construed as one. Neither should they be interpreted asprescribing an exclusive course of management.
This publication of the Kidney Disease Out-comes Quality Initiative? (KDOQI?)Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Prac-tice Recommendations for Diabetes and ChronicKidney Disease (CKD) represents the first guide-line that considers the unique aspects of theevaluation, diagnosis, and management of thecomplex patient with both diabetes mellitus andCKD.
Given the epidemic of obesity, diabetes, andcardiovascular disease and the link to CKD, it isclear that this guideline will be of immenseimportance to a broad audience of practionersand patients. As for all KDOQI? guidelines, allrelevant epidemiological studies and clinical tri-als have been reviewed to ensure a balancedpresentation of the key aspects of diabetes andCKD.