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您所在的位置:首页>呼吸科诊疗指南> 2005ATS/ERS肺量测定标准化


2013-09-09 15:06 阅读:2980 来源:爱爱医资源网 责任编辑:林晓枫
[导读]《2005ATS/ERS肺量测定标准化》内容预览 Spirometry is a physiological test that measures how an individual inhales or exhales volumes of air as a function of time. The primary signal measured in spirometry may be volume or flow. Spirometry i


Spirometry is a physiological test that measures how an individual inhales or exhales volumes of air as a function of time. The primary signal measured in spirometry may be volume or flow.
Spirometry is invaluable as a screening test of general respiratory health in the same way that blood pressure provides important information about general cardiovascular health. However, on its own, spirometry does not lead clinicians directly to an aetiological diagnosis. Some indica-tions for spirometry are given in table 1.
In this document, the most important aspects of spirometry are the forced vital capacity (FVC), which is the volume delivered during an expiration made as forcefully and completely as possible starting from full inspiration, and the forced expira-tory volume (FEV) in one second, which is the volume delivered in the first second of an FVC manoeuvre. Other spirometric variables derived from the FVC manoeuvre are also addressed.
Spirometry can be undertaken with many different types of equipment, and requires cooperation between the subject and the examiner, and the results obtained will depend on technical as well as personal factors (fig. 1). If the variability of the results can be diminished and the measurement accuracy can be improved, the range of normal values for populations can be narrowed and abnormalities more easily detected. The Snowbird workshop held in 1979 resulted in the first American Thoracic Society (ATS) statement on the standardisation of spirometry . This was updated in 1987 and again in 1994 . A similar initiative was undertaken by the European Community for Steel and Coal, resulting in the first European standardisation document in 1983 . This was then updated in 1993 as the official statement of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) . There are generally only minor differences between the two most recent ATS and ERS statements, except that the ERS statement includes absolute lung volumes and the ATS does not.







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