Applicable published and peer-reviewedliterature of the last two decades was reviewed, with aconcentration on original investigations. The gradingof evidence was done using the United StatesPreventive Services Task Force system and, wherepossible, the GRADE system.
Management of thyroid diseases duringpregnancy requires special considerations becausepregnancy induces major changes in thyroid function,and maternal thyroid disease can have adverse effectson the pregnancy and the fetus. Care requirescoordination among several healthcare professionals.Avoiding maternal (and fetal) hypothyroidism isof major importance because of potential damageto fetal neural development, an increased incidenceof miscarriage, and preterm delivery. Maternalhyperthyroidism and its treatment may beaccompanied by coincident problems in fetal thyroidfunction. Autoimmune thyroid disease is associatedwith both increased rates of miscarriage, for whichthe appropriate medical response is uncertain at thistime, and postpartum thyroiditis. Fine-needleaspiration cytology should be performed for dominantthyroid nodules discovered in pregnancy. Radioactiveisotopes must be avoided during pregnancy andlactation. Universal screening of pregnant womenfor thyroid disease is not yet supported by adequatestudies, but case finding targeted to specific groupsof patients who are at increased risk is stronglysupported.