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McMaster ALS Conference

2013-11-05 14:56 阅读:1016 来源:爱爱医资源网 责任编辑:林晓枫
[导读]《【专家课件】McMaster ALS Conference》内容预览 (专家课件预览:点击下图可进行全文预览) 《【专家课件】McMaster ALS Conference》内容简介: 1. Define ALS 2. Understand the incidence and prevalence 3. Understand main goals of treatment 4. Un

《McMaster ALS Conference》内容预览

《McMaster ALS Conference》内容简介:

1. Define ALS
2. Understand the incidence and prevalence
3. Understand main goals of treatment
4. Understand possible causes of ALS
5. Understand new possibilities in treatment
6. Prepare the ground for subsequent talks Flow
What is ALS
How do we apply it to patients
What effects does ALS have
What is the prognosis of ALS
What can we do about it
ALS is not getting simpler
Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it. Niels Bohr.
If you are not completely confused by quantum mechanics, you do not understand it. John Wheeler.
It is safe to say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. Richard Feynman.
Cruveilhier J
Sur la paralysie musculaire, progressive, atrophique.
Primary Lateral Sclerosis
WH Erb 1875: ‘Spasmodic Spinal Paresis’- A primary degeneration of the ‘pyramidal tract’
Charcot J.
De la sclérose laterale amyotrophique. Prog Med 1874;2:325-327
André Brouillet, 1887
Clinical Pathological Correlation
However, neither Charcot, nor Erb, nor Creuveilhier had a real notion of the neuropathology involved
Microscopic study did not begin until 1840
1850 before fixed cells could be stained
1851 before pyramidal tract recognized
1890 H + E, then Weigert, Golgi, Nissl
1898 before Raymond made the link of clinical presentation with ‘UMN’ and ‘LMN’
With minor modifications, this scheme reflects our present classification of ALS







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