This document is organized into discrete sections thataddress the following topics: obesity, prediabetes, manage-ment of hyperglycemia through lifestyle modifications,pharmacotherapy and insulin, management of hyperten-sion, management of hyperlipidemia, and other risk-reduc-tion strategies.
Prediabetes reflects failing pancreatic compensationto an underlying state of insulin resistance, most com-monly caused by excess body weight or obesity. Currentcriteria for the diagnosis of prediabetes include impairedglucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose, or metabolicsyndrome. (See Comprehensive Diabetes ManagementAlgorithm-Prediabetes Algorithm)。 Any one of these fac-tors is associated with a 5-fold increase in future T2DMrisk (12)。
The primary goal of prediabetes management isweight loss. Whether achieved through TLC, pharmaco-therapy, surgery, or some combination thereof, weight lossreduces insulin resistance and can effectively prevent pro-gression to diabetes as well as improve lipids and bloodpressure. However, weight loss may not directly addressthe pathogenesis of declining beta-cell function. Whenindicated, bariatric surgery can also be highly effective inpreventing progression to diabetes (12)。