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������ 2009-3-17 18:32 | ֻ�������� �������� | ������� | �Ķ�ģʽ



����ǿ, �����
���绪��������־ 2008;16(31): 3477-3479

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������ 2009-3-17 18:34 | ֻ��������
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��ͳ��, Ŀǰȫ��ÿ���»�ԭ���Ըΰ�(hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC)����ԼΪ626 000, ����55%�������ҹ��� �ҹ�ÿ��Լ110 000������HCC, �ΰ���������ʮ���Ͼ�[1]�� ���ż������������ƾ���Ļ���, HCC�������ֶβ��ϸ��·ḻ, �и��г�����ԭλ����ֲ(orthotopic liver transplant, OLT)���ζ���˨��������(transcatheterhepatic arterial chemoembolization, TACE)����Ƥ��ˮ�ƾ�ע��(percutaneousethanol injection, PEI)����Ƶ����(radio frequencyablation, RFA)��΢������(microwave coagulation therapy, MCT)���䶳�������ơ��������Ʒ����������Ƽ���ҩ���Ƶȡ� �������г��͸���ֲ��������ĿǰΨһ�п�������HCC�ķ���, ѡ����ʻ�����TACE��PEI��RFA���䶳���ȷ������ܲ�ͬ�̶��ϸ��Ʋ��������ĸΰ����ߵ�Ԥ�� �����Բ�ͬ�IJ���, �Ӷ������Ʒ�����ѡ����������Ч�����Ʋ�������Ҫ���塣
ȫ��Χ�ڴ�HCC�IJ����Ҹβ��������β�����ء� ���ձ���ŷ������, ���β���ΪHCC��Ҫ����; �ڶ����Ǻ��ҹ�, �Ҹβ���ΪHCC��Ҫ����[2]�� 90%����HCC���߶��ϲ�����Ӳ���� HCC��С��ڵ���ʽ��չ, ���ڲ����ٴ�����, ����ʱ��ƽ��Ϊ6 mo�� HCC�����ֶε�ѡ��ȡ��������λ�á���С���Ƿ�ת�Ƽ����ഢ�����ܵ����ء� Ŀǰ���緶Χ�ڹ���HCC��ѡ����Ϊ���г����͸���ֲ�� ��������һ����չ, ��ѡ��ֲ�΢�����ƻ�TACE�� �����ڵĻ��߽���ѡ���֢���ơ� �������Ʒ�����ѡ���׼�ڸ������Һ͵���������ͬ�� ���ҹ�, HCC�������ʱ�ദ�������ڻ��ڸι��ܴ������ٽ�״̬, ��ŷ�����ҵ�����ָ�ϱȽ�����, ���ǵ����Ʒ�����������

1 �����
����NCCNָ����Ϊ, �޸�Ӳ��������HCCӦʩ�и��г���, �����и�Ӳ��������HCC, ���г����������Ӧ֤��λ�������Ҹι�������(Child-Pugh A��)��С�ΰ�[3]�� Ӣ��θ��ѧ�ᷢ����ָ����Ϊ, �κε���С�ΰ�(��5 cm)���߶�Ӧ���ܹ��и��г��������ֲ���ĵ�λ����������Ƶ�����, ���г�ֻ�����ڸι�������(Child-Pugh A)�Ļ���[4]�� �л����ѧ��������ѧ���Ƽ��ĸΰ��������г���Ӧ֤Ϊ: (1)�ι��ּܷ���A�����ָܻ���A��; (2)�δ������ܻ�����������Χ����; (3)�������ƻ��ĸ���֯<30%������������ȫ����֯��50%����[5]�� ��������ڵĸΰ����г�����Ӧ��Χ��ŷ������������Ҫ���� �ҹ���HCC�߷���, �ٴ��ϴ�����Դ�ΰ����ι��ܲ�ȫ������� �ҹ������ҽ����������չ�ڸΰ�(>5 cm)���ι��ּܷ���A�����ָܻ���A�����������г��ķ�Χ��һ�ֱ�Ȼ��ѡ��
�����һ������ĵ��о��Ƚ����������������ձ��ĸΰ����г�������Ч, ������������С����Ӳ�������س̶��кܴ�ͬ, ������5�������ʲ�û��������ͬ(�ֱ�Ϊ31%, 31%, 41%)[6]�� ����ձ���һ�������ʾ�ΰ����г�����������Ϊ0.9%, 5��������51%[7]�� �������ϳ�����6446���ΰ����г���5��������Ϊ53.2%�� ����10 cm���ϵ�HCC�г���1317��, ��1��3��5 �����������ʷֱ�Ϊ73.8%��48.0%��36.9%[8]�� ���ڶԾ޴�ΰ��ϲ����������ɰ�˨����ǻ������˨�ܰ�˨�Ļ���, Ҳ�������г�+�ž�������ǻ�������п�ȡ˨��, �����������˨�������г�, ���������������ơ�TACE���������Ƶȴ���, ����Ч���ڽ�һ���۲��С�
�ΰ��г���ʣ�µĸ������з������Ŀ���, �������5��ĸ�����Ϊ50%-60%�� �����ٴ������ι���˥�ߵķ��սϴ�, ������Ϊ�ֲ��������ƺ�TACE�Ǹ������ѡ��, ��Ŀǰ���ڶԺ��ʲ�����������ѡ�����г��� ��2���������������о�(randomized control trials, RCT)��5���ٴ������о���, ���г�������TACE�ܼ������������ӳ�����ʱ��[9]��

2 ����ֲ��
����иΰ�����ֲ��5�������ʽϲ�, һ�����50%, ��Ҫ�����������ĸ����� �����о������������ڶԸ���ֲ�Ļ�����ѡ������ɵġ� ���ڹ��ϰ�Milan��׼��ѡ: �����׿�ֱ����5 cm, ����3���׿���ֱ����3 cm��, ����Ӱ��ѧ֤ʵ��Ѫ���ַ�, �����ļ��ʼ���Ϊ��, ���Ҹ���ֲ��Ԥ�����Щ���л����β����޸ΰ��Ļ���Ԥ������[10-11]�� ����ֲ���������������ڸΰ��г���; Ȼ�����������淽��, ����ֲռ�����Ե����ơ� ������о��������׿�ֱ����6.5 cm�ı�׼��ѡ�и���ֲ�������Ԥ����Milan��׼����[12]��
Ŀǰ���ϸ���ֲ������HCC�����ѡ��, ����������������Ÿ���ֲ�Ĺ㷺��չ, �繩�εĶ�ȱ�����õĸ߰��ȡ� ���ڴ������, ������Ϊ����ֲ���Ƚ��ʺ������ڸΰ����и�Ӳ�����ι���ʧ���������ʺ������г���΢�������ߡ�

3 �ֲ���������
����NCCNָ����Ϊ�ֲ��������ƺ͸ζ���˨���������޷������ΰ����ߵĺ���ѡ��[3]�� ���ֲ��������������TACE���ԶԸΰ������Դ��������Ļ��ᡣ �л����ѧ��������ѧ����Ϊ�ֲ���������������: (1)���г�������ڸ����ĸΰ�; (2)��������, ������5������, ����ֱ��<5 cm, �������صĸ�Ӳ��, �ι��ּܷ���A����B��[5]��
�ֲ�����������PEI����Ӧ�õ��ٴ�, �䴴��С, �����÷�Χ�ܾƾ���ɢ���������ҷֲ�����, �ױ�����֯�ڵ���ά����赲, �跴��������ơ� RFA��һ����µļ���, ������̽������ƻ�ֱ����3 cm�IJ���, ��һ���¿����Ķ�̽ͷ̽�����������ֱ��Լ6 cm�IJ�� ��һ��102����EPI��RFA�Ľ��бȽϵ��ٴ�����о���: RFA�����ӳ�����, ����������ʱ���ϲ��޲��졣 ��һ���ٴ�����о��бȽ�RFA��MCT, ������ʱ���ϲ�������, ֻ��MCT������Щ[13]�� ���ǵ����ϱ���, ���ڴ�ΰ�����, RFA���ϸζ����ž������Ƹ��������ӳ�������[14]��
�������ڸΰ�, �ֲ�����������Ч������г������ơ� 746��PEI����ֱ��<5 cm�������Ĵ���������ʾ, ��Ӳ��Child A���Ļ���(239��)��3���5�������ʷֱ�Ϊ79%��47%, ��Child B���Ļ���(149��)��ֱ�Ϊ63%��29%[15]��

4 �ζ���˨������
�л����ѧ��������ѧ����ΪTACE��Ӧ: (1)�ι��ּܷ���A����B��; (2)�޷���������; (3)�ΰ����г��������������� ԭ���Ͽ��г��ĸΰ���ǰ���������������[5]�� TACE��ʹ�ΰ������Ķ���Ѫ��˨�����, ��ʹ��ϸ����ʱ���ڱ�¶�ڳ���Ը�Ũ�ȵĻ���ҩ���µķ�����
һ�����9��RCT��Meta����֤ʵ��TACE�������ʱ�䡣����һ�����3��RCT�Ĺ�412�����ߵ�Meta������TACE�͸ζ���˨����(TAE)������ʱ�䲢û�в���[16]������һ�����4��RCT��Meta������TACE���Ͼֲ��������Ʊ��κε��������������ӳ�����ʱ�䡣��2��RCT��13�������ٴ��о���ʾ�ڸ��г�ǰ��TACE�����ܼ�����������, Ҳ�����ӳ�����ʱ�䡣 �෴��2��RCT��5���ٴ������о���, ���г�������TACE�ܼ��ٸ����ӳ�����ʱ��[9]��

5 ��������
Ӧ�÷������ơ��������ơ��������Ƶȷ�������HCCҲȡ�ý�չ, ��ֻ�������ٴ��о���֢״��֢���ơ� �κ����Ƶ���Ч�������ٴ�ʵ��Ϊ������ ȫ�����ڸΰ������е������Ƿdz����޵ġ� ���õ�ҩ���ǰ�ù��, ����Ч�ʽ�10%-15%[17]�� һЩ���и����ƻ��ԵĶ�ҩ���ϻ��Ʒ������������Ч��, �������ܻή�����λ��ߵ������ʡ� ��������ʵ����ʾ�������޷������ĸΰ���������Ī���Ҳ��������������[18]�� ��һ����������������, ��������Ҳ�������������, ������������ĸ���Ӧ[19]�� Ŀǰ��ϣ�����ĸΰ��Ļ������������о��С�

6 �ο����ף��ԣ�
3# ���
������ 2009-3-17 18:35 | ֻ��������
J Hepatol. 2001 Apr;34(4):593-602.

Interferon and prevention of hepatocellular carcinoma in viral cirrhosis: an evidence-based approach.
Camm�� C, Giunta M, Andreone P, Crax�� A.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: To evaluate by meta-**ysis of available literature whether interferon (IFN) reduces the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related Child A cirrhosis. METHODS: Three randomized controlled trials and 15 nonrandomized controlled trials, including 4614 patients and comparing IFN to no treatment, were selected. Data on the incidence of HCC in IFN treated and untreated patients were extracted from each study. Meta-**ysis by the DerSimonian and Laird risk difference (RD) method was used to pool observations. RESULTS: A different incidence of HCC between treated and untreated cirrhotic patients was observed for HCV (overall RD -12.8%; 95% CI -8.3 to -17.2%, P < 0.0001) and HBV (overall RD -6.4%; 95% CI -2.8 to -10%, P < 0.001). In HCV-related cirrhosis, the rate of HCC development was lower in sustained responders to IFN than in untreated patients (overall RD -19.1%; 95% CI -13.1 to -25.2%, P < 0.00001), with low heterogeneity among trials (P=0.053), and also in nonresponders vs. untreated patients (overall RD -11.8%; 95% CI -6.4 to -19.1%, P < 0.0001), although with significant heterogeneity. Inconsistency among the studies was a major problem, both for HCV (chi2 = 58.16 with 13 DF; P < 0.0001) and HBV (chi2 = 26.4 with 6 DF; P = 0.0001) related cirrhosis, and also when follow-up was shorter than 60 months. Consistent results were only observed when assessing data from European reports: in this subgroup no preventive effect of HCC was shown for HBV (overall RD -4.8%; 95% CI -11.1-1.5%, P, not significant), and only a weak effect for HCV (overall RD -10%; 95% CI -5.9 to -14.2%; P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Literature data pooling suggests a slight preventive effect of IFN on HCC development in patients with HCV-related cirrhosis. The magnitude of this effect is low and the observed benefit might be due to spurious associations. The preventive effect is more evident among sustained responders to IFN. IFN does not seem to affect the rate of HCC in HBV-related cirrhosis.

J Gastroenterol. 2006 Dec;41(12):1206-13.

Interferon lowers tumor recurrence rate after surgical resection or ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma: a pilot study of patients with hepatitis B virus-related cirrhosis.

Someya T, Ikeda K, Saitoh S, Kobayashi M, Hosaka T, Sezaki H, Akuta N, Suzuki F, Suzuki Y, Arase Y, Kumada H.
BACKGROUND: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV) often recurs after surgical or medical treatment. METHODS: Eighty consecutive patients with HBV-positive cirrhosis and HCC who underwent potentially curative ablation for HCC were **yzed. Eleven patients received long-term interferon (IFN) therapy. HBV DNA was quantified at the time of HCC treatment. A DNA value of <6.0 log copies/ml was considered low. RESULTS: Initial DNA was low in 39 and high in 41 patients. HCC recurrence rates in the low DNA group and high DNA group were 46.9% and 82.6% at the fifth year, and 73.5% and 91.3% at the tenth year, respectively (P = 0.0103). Similarly, recurrence rates after treatment of HCC in the normal aspartate aminotransferase (AST) group (<38 IU/l, n = 42) and abnormal AST group (n = 38) were 50.6% and 84.0% at the fifth year, and 71.3% and 100% at the tenth year, respectively (P = 0.0003). Six of the 38 patients with abnormal AST, and 5 of 42 patients with normal AST, received IFN after confirmation of tumor ablation. In the subgroup of abnormal AST, tumor recurrence rates in the IFN and untreated groups were 16.7% and 37.9% at the end of the first year, 16.7% and 60.1% at the second year, and 16.7% and 83.4% at the third year, respectively (P = 0.0139). Multivariate **ysis revealed that IFN significantly reduced the recurrence rate (hazard ratio = 0.21, P = 0.037) even after adjusting for background characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: IFN was inferred to decrease tumor recurrence after treatment of HCC in patients with HBV-related cirrhosis, especially in the subgroup with high AST.

Ann Surg. 2007 Jun;245(6):831-42.
A randomized, controlled trial of postoperative adjuvant interferon therapy after resection of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Lo CM, Liu CL, Chan SC, Lam CM, Poon RT, Ng IO, Fan ST, Wong J.

OBJECTIVE: We conducted a randomized controlled trial of adjuvant interferon therapy in patients with predominantly hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) to investigate whether the prognosis after hepatic resection could be improved. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Recurrence is common after hepatic resection for HCC. Interferon possesses antiviral, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative, and antiangiogenic effects and may be an effective form of adjuvant therapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Since February 1999, patients with no residual disease after hepatic resection for HCC were randomly assigned with stratification by pTNM stage to receive no treatment (control group), interferon alpha-2b 10 MIU/m (IFN-I group) or 30 MIU/m (IFN-II group) thrice weekly for 16 weeks. Enrollment to the IFN-II group was terminated from January 2000 because adverse effects resulted in treatment discontinuation in the first 6 patients. By June 2002, 40 patients each had been enrolled into the control group and IFN-I group. The baseline clinical, laboratory, and tumor characteristics of both groups were comparable. RESULTS: The 1- and 5-year survival rates were 85% and 61%, respectively, for the control group and 97% and 79%, respectively, for the IFN-I group (P = 0.137). After adjusting for the confounding prognostic factors in a Cox model, the relative risk of death for interferon treatment was 0.42 (95% CI, 0.17-1.05; P = 0.063). Exploratory subset **ysis showed that adjuvant interferon had no survival benefit for pTNM stage I/II tumor (5-year survival 90% in both groups; P = 0.917) but prevented early recurrence and improved the 5-year survival of patients with stage III/IVA tumor from 24% to 68% (P = 0.038). CONCLUSION: In a group of patients with predominantly hepatitis B-related HCC, adjuvant interferon therapy showed a trend for survival benefit, primarily in those with pTNM stage III/IVA tumors. Further larger randomized trials stratified for stage are needed.
������ 2009-3-17 18:36 | ֻ��������
J Hepatol �� 2001��4�£� 34 �� 4 �� :593 - 602 ��

Camm�� ç �� Giunta�У� Andreone�ף�����������ĸa.
����/Ŀ�ģ����۵Ļ��ܷ������������Ƿ�����أ� IFN �������˷����ʸ�ϸ������ HCC �����ߵ��������������� HBV ������͸��ײ����� HCV ����صĸ�Ӳ����Ӳ����������������������15 nonrandomized�������飬���а���4614�����Ƚ�û�и��������ƣ���ѡ�������ݸΰ��ķ������ڸ��������ƺ�δ������Ļ�����ȡÿ���о��� Meta������DerSimonian��Laird���ղ��죨·�������������ص�������������ͬ�ĸΰ�������֮������ƺ͸�Ӳ���������ƹ۲�ı��͸��ײ����������з�-12.8 �� ; 95 ������-8.3��-17.2 �� ���ס� 0.0001 ����HBV ����·-6.4 �� ; 95 ������-2.8��-10 �� ���ס� 0.001 �� ���ڱ��͸��ײ�����صĸ�Ӳ�����ʸΰ��ķ�չ�dz����ϵ͵ķ�Ӧ�ȸ����������Ʋ��ˣ������з�-19.1 �� ; 95 ������-13.1��-25.2 �� �� P���� 0.00001 �� ���������Ե����У� Pֵ0.053 �� �������������޷�Ӧ���뻼�ߣ���·-11.8 �� ; 95 ������-6.4��-19.1 �� �� P���� 0.0001 �� �������������ԡ���һ�µ��о�����һ���ش�����⣬�����DZ��͸��ײ����� chi2 = 58.16 13����; P �� 0.0001 ����HBV �� chi2 = 26.4 6����; Pֵ0.0001 ����صĸ�Ӳ����������������60���¡�һ�µĽ����ֻ�е��۲�������������ŷ�޵ı��棺�ڱ�Ⱥû��Ԥ��Ч�������ΰ������͸��ײ���������·-4.8 �� ; 95 ������-11.1-1.5 �� ���ף��������� ��ֻ��ƣ����͸��ײ�����Ӱ�죨��·-10 �� ; 95 ������-5.9��-14.2 �� ; P �� 0.0001 �� �����ۣ���ѧ�����ݼ�����ʾ��΢��Ԥ�����ø����ضԸΰ����ߵķ�չ��HCV��صĸ�Ӳ�����������ģЧӦ�͵�Ч��Ĺ۲������������ɢЭ�ᡣ��Ԥ�����ø�Ϊ���Եij����ķ�Ӧ�����ء��������ƺ���û��Ӱ������ԭ���Ըΰ�HBV����Ը�Ӳ����

J Gastroenterol �� 2006��12��41 �� 12 �� :1206 - 13 ��


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��������ϸ������ HCC ������ɵ����͸��ײ����� HBV ���������������ơ������� 80���Ҹβ������Եĸ�Ӳ���͸ΰ�˭���ܽ�����Ƶ�������Ƹΰ������˷����� 11λ���˽��ܳ��ڸ����أ� IFN �����ơ��Ҹβ���DNA������ʱ��ΰ����ơ���DNA��ֵ�� 6.0��־����/ ml����Ϊ�͡������������DNA��39�͸�41�����ΰ������ʵ͵�DNA��͸���DNA��46.9 ����82.6 ���ĵ������ͷ����73.5 ����91.3 ���ĵ�ʮ����ͷ�� �� P��= 0.0103 �� ��ͬ�������������ƺ�ΰ��������Ȳ�ת��ø�� AST ���顰 �� < 38���ʵ�λ/���� 42������ת��ø�쳣�飨 n = 38 ��Ϊ50.6 ����84.0 ���ĵ������ͷ����71.3 ����100 ���ĵ�ʮ����ͷ�� �� P��= 0.0003 �� ������38��ת��ø�쳣�� 5 42������ת��ø���յ�ȷ�Ϻ�����ص������г����ڷ���ת��ø�쳣�����������ʺ͸�����������ֱ�Ϊ16.7 ����37.9 �� ���ڵ�һ����ף� 16.7 ����60.1 ���ĵڶ��꣬��16.7 ����83.4 ���ĵ�������ͷ�� �� P��= 0.0139 �� ����������������������ش���˸����ʣ�Σ�ձ�= 0.21 ����= 0.037 �� ����ʹ������Ϊ�������ص㡣���ۣ����������ƶϣ������������������ƺ�ΰ����ߵ��Ҹβ�����صĸ�Ӳ�����������ڷ���ת��ø�ߡ�

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