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Sci Transl Med:胃癌不是一种病,而是多种疾病**体

2012-12-23 18:24 阅读:1884 来源:生物谷 作者:网* 责任编辑:网络

  据2012年10月17日的《Science Translational Medicine》期刊报道,来自新加坡杜克-**大学医学研究生院(Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School)的研究人员鉴定出由环境因子触发的胃癌的多种新亚型。对胃癌复杂性的深入认识将有助于人们开发出更好的方法来治疗排在肺癌之后的世界上第二个主要癌症杀手,即胃癌。

  论文通讯作者Patrick Tan博士说,“胃癌是一种异质性的疾病。每个胃癌病人经常对同一种疗法表现出明显不同的反应。改善胃癌临床结果将需要采用分子方法来把胃癌病人再分成生物学上类似的亚类,然后为每个亚类的病人设计出特异性的疗法。”




  研究人员也鉴定出胃癌中的一个具有极端高水平甲基化的亚类。人们之前就已提出CIMP(CpG Island Methylator Phenotype, CpG岛甲基化表型)亚类,但是它的临床重要性仍然是个谜。在这项研究中,研究人员证实存在CIMP亚类,而且将它与具有较差预后的年轻病人相关联起来。他们还在实验室实验中证实这些肿瘤可能对去甲基化药物具有增加的敏感性。


  Methylation Subtypes and Large-Scale Epigenetic Alterations in Gastric Cancer

  Hermioni Zouridis1,*,?, Niantao Deng1,2,*, Tatiana Ivanova1, Yansong Zhu1, Bernice Wong3, Dan Huang4, Yong Hui Wu1,5, Yingting Wu6,7, Iain Beehuat Tan2,8, Natalia Liem9, Veena Gopalakrishnan1, Qin Luo1, Jeanie Wu5, Minghui Lee5, Wei Peng Yong9,10, Liang Kee Goh1, Bin Tean Teh1,3,4, Steve Rozen6,11 and Patrick Tan

  Epigenetic alterations are fundamental hallmarks of cancer genomes. We surveyed the landscape of DNA methylation alterations in gastric cancer by analyzing genome-wide CG dinucleotide (CpG) methylation profiles of 240 gastric cancers (203 tumors and 37 cell lines) and 94 matched normal gastric tissues. Cancer-specific epigenetic alterations were observed in 44% of CpGs, comprising both tumor hyper- and hypomethylation. Twenty-five percent of the methylation alterations were significantly associated with changes in tumor gene expression. Whereas most methylation-expression correlations were negative, several positively correlated methylation-expression interactions were also observed, associated with CpG sites exhibiting atypical transc**tion start site distances and gene body localization. Methylation clustering of the tumors revealed a CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) subgroup associated with widespread hypermethylation, young patient age, and adverse patient outcome in a disease stage–independent manner. CIMP cell lines displayed sensitivity to 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine, a clinically approved demethylating drug. We also identified long-range regions of epigenetic silencing (LRESs) in CIMP tumors. Combined analysis of the methylation, gene expression, and drug treatment data suggests that certain LRESs may silence specific genes within the region, rather than all genes. Finally, we discovered regions of long-range tumor hypomethylation, associated with increased chromosomal instability. Our results provide insights into the epigenetic impact of environmental and biological agents on gastric epithelial cells, which may contribute to cancer.






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