ҽ����Ա������ 1��What can do for you�� ����ʲô�£� 2��May I help you�� ���ܰ���ʲôæ�� 8��Please take a seat�� please sit down�� �����£� 4��Wait a moment��please�� ���һ�ȣ� 5��Sorry to have kept you waiting. �Բ�������õ��ˣ� 6��It is not serious�� ���鲻���أ� 7��Don't worry�� There is nothing to worry about. ���ع��ǡ� 8��You need a thorough examination�� ����Ҫ��һ��ȫ���飮 9��You will have to stay in hospital for sevral days�� ����Ҫ��ҽԺ��ס��ز�� We think that you had better be hospitalized ������Ϊ�����ס��ҽԺ���� 10��You should stay in bed for a few days. ����Ҫ�Դ����죮 11��You can keep on working�� You can carry on with your work. ���Լ��������� 12��You should be very careful for a week or two ��һ�����ڣ�����Ҫ��ע�⡣ 13. Try to relax and keep calm�� �������ɱ����� 14��You'll soon be all right�� ��ܿ�ͻ�������ģ� 15��1'm sure this medicine will help you a great deal�� ��ҩ����϶������Ч�ģ� 16��Feeling well again is a rather slow process��I'm afraid. ����Ȭ������һ�������Ĺ��̣� 17��You will have to wait for twenty minutes�� ����Ҫ��20���ӣ� 18��Complete recovery will take a rather long time�� ���ָ���Ҫһ�κܳ���ʱ�䡣 19��You will have to come here for periodical check-ups�� ����Ҫ�����������飮 20��If you feel worse��please come back to the clinic right away. Ҫ������Ų������ˣ�������������� 21��If you feel worried, don't hesitate to go to the clinic anytime, day or night. ��Ҫ�������ܣ����۰����ҹ���Ͻ���ҽԺ��ȥ�� 22��I'll come right away. �����Ͼ����� 23��I'm going to make arrangements for your admission�� ��ȥ���㰲��סԺ�� 24��Please come with your interpreter next time�� �´������������ 25��Do you understand what I'm saying�� �������ҵĻ��� 26.Is there anything else you would like me to explain to you�� �㿴����Щ���滹��Ҫ�����أ� 27. Shall I explain it again? ����Һ�����һ���� 28��If the trouble persists come back again�� Ҫ������������ã���������������ɡ� 29��There doesn't seem to be anything serious��but we'11 take an x-ray just to be certain�� ������ʲô���������������Ҫ����x��Ƭ�϶�һ�¡� 30��Please wait until we get the result of the x-ray (blood test)�� ���һ�£�������Ҫ��һ��X��Ƭ����Ѫ���Ľ���� 31��It's difficult to say just now exactly what's wrong. ���ڻ�����˵��ʲô���⡣ 32��This is quite common among people of your age�� �������������˵��У����̫Ѱ���ˣ� This often happens to people of your age. ������������������������������ˣ� This often occurs at your age�� ��;������������������ϡ� 33. This kind of illness usually occurs among people whose work requires a lot of concentration��who undergo a lot of stress���� ���ֲ�ͨ�������ڹ���Ҫ����߶ȼ��еģ�������ŵģ����ǵ��С� 34��I suggest you do some light exercises. �ҽ�������Щ���Ķ����� I suggest you have a course of acupuncture. �����İ�һ���Ƴ̵���ģ� I suggest that you get physiotherapy treatment. �ҽ����������ơ� I suggest that you take Chinese herbs. �ҽ��������ҩ�� 35��I would like to transfer you to the gynecology (surgery,dermatology, urology department�� ��Ҫ����ת�����ƣ���ơ�Ƥ�ơ�����ƣ�ȥ. 36��Your WBC��RBC��hemoglobin��urine stool,sputum��should be checked�� ��İ�ϸ������ϸ����Ѫ�쵰�ף���㣬̵����Ҫ���һ�£� 37��A smear should be taken�� ��Ҫ����ͿƬ. A culture should be done. ��Ҫ���������� 38��Please don't eat anything tomorrow morning before blood test�� �����Ѫ��ǰ��Ҫ�Զ����� 39��Please wait for the result of your hemoglobin test�� ���һ�����Ѫ�쵰�������� 40��What's your trouble�� ��������Ų��ã� 41��How long have you been feeling unwell�� �㲻�������ˡ� 42��What medicine did you take? ��Ե���ʲôҩ�� 43��Have you taken any medicine�� ��Թ�ʲôҩ��7 44��Did you take your temperature�� ���Թ�������? 45��Do you smoke��drink)? �����̣��Ⱦƣ��� 46��Have you any temperature (a cough��a bed headach)? �㷢�գ����ԣ����ҵ�ͷʹ���� 47��Have your ever had jaundice (low grade fever��any chronic ailments, cold sweats at night, attacks of asthma)? ���й����㣨�����գ��κ����Բ���ҹ����亹��������������? 48��Do you sufer from heartburn stomachaches (loose bowel movements,chest pains)? ���θ�й����ĸУ�ϡ�㣬��ʹ���� 49��Do your want to have your tooth extracted��tooth filled��dressing changed��blood pressure checked�� ��Ҫ��������������ҩ����Ѫѹ���� 50��Let me examine you please�� �Ҹ�����һ�£� 51��Please take off your shoes and lie down�� ����Ь�����£� 52��Please unbutton your shirt and loosen your belt�� �����µĿ��ӣ��ɿ������� 53��Please take off your trousers. �����¿��ӣ� 54��Please lie on your back��stomach��right side��left side���� �����ԣ����ԣ��Ҳ��ԣ�����ԣ��� 55��Please bend your knees. ����ϥ�� 56��pleare relax�� ����ɣ� 57��Please breathe deeply��normally���� ����������������� 58��Please stick Out your tongue. �������ͷ�� 59��Please let me feel your pulse. ����������������� 60.Let me take your blood pressure �Ҹ�����һ��Ѫѹ�� 61��Pleas��lift your left leg��right leg�� ��̧��������ȣ����ȣ��� 62��Please open your mouth and say "Ah". ���ſ���˵"��" 63��It is normal��essentially normal���� ��������������������� 64��Have you ever received any treatment before�� ����ǰ�ι���? 65��Has it gotten worse�� ����仵���� 66��Has it happened before? ���������ǰ�������� 67��Are you feeling better�� ����ź�һЩ�� 68��Is the pain gentting less? ��ʹ����Щ���� 69��Does it still hurt�� ������? 70��How long have you had this pain�� ���ʲôʱ��ʼ������ʹ��? 71��What kind of pain is it�� ��ʲô����ʹ�� 72��Please tell me something of your past illnesses�� ����������ȥ�IJ�ʷ�� 73��Is there any blood in your stool(urine,sputum)? ��Ĵ������̵���Ѫ�� |