A alveolar bone ���۹�alveolar abscess ����ŧ�� ameloblastoma ����ϸ���� ���� ameliorative ���apical apices apical infection �����Ⱦapical syst �������� B branchial cleft cyst �������� �����е�� biomechanical C carcinoma of maxillary sinus ���carcinoma of tongue � ��ѹǿ�� compressive strength cellulitis of the floor of the mouth �ڵ���֯��cementum ������ carcinoma of buccal mucosa ��ճĤ��carcinoma of gingiva ������carcinoma of lip ���� caries ȣ�� crown fracture ���� colony ���� ��ʯ calculus ���� col ��Ƥcorium ���� curettage �������� calcium hydroxide D dental arch ����dental crown ���� dental defect ����ȱ�� dental necrosis ������dental sac ���� dentin ������ deciduous teeth ����dental impaction ������ decomposition �ֽ� disintegration ���� dental plaque ����dental root fracture ���� denticulus,denticle ��ʯdentoalveolar abscess ����ŧ�� diet ʳ�� drug-induced gingivitis ҩ�������� ���� diabetes��м debris�β��λ devetail retention E enamel ������ endodontics �������財ѧextraction ������ epulis ���� etiology ����ѧ������ exuate �� exacerbation ƽ�� equilibrium���� exfoliation�����ͷ� eugenol ժ�� extirpation F filiform papillae ˿״** fissure ��϶ circumvallate papillae ����** foliate papillae Ҷ״** fungiform papillae ��״**��(��)���� faciolingual fistula apicalis �������� fascial space infection ��϶��Ⱦ filamentous ˿״�IJ�ڹ�λ friction wall retention fluoride ������fracture of maxillary ���ǹ��� G gum, gingiva ���� gingival abscess ����ŧ�� glucose ������ gingivitis ������gingivitis in leukemia ��Ѫ������ ��ѿ granulation��λ�� groove retention H herpetic stomatitis �����Կ��� ������,��ֵ�� hyperplastic ������Ƥ���� Hertvig��s root sheath I infraorbital space ���¼�϶ injury of teeth ������ Ƕ�� impaction �ֲ�ȱѪ ischaemia �ڼ�� interproximal���ڵ�intraosseous ��insult ��е����instrumentation J jaw �� juvenile periodontitis ������������ L leukoplakia �װ� lichen planus ��ƽ̦ local anesthesia ���� luxated tooth ����λlymphoepithelial lesions �ܰ���Ƥ�� ��Ӳ�� lamina dura
M mucous cyst ճҺ���� missing tooth ����ʧmumps ������������ mandibular���ǵ� mucopolysaccharide ���� mixed dentition �������mixed tumor of salivary gland ���ٻ���� ��ʬ�� mummification mesenchymal ���ʵ� �����,ǿ�Ƶ� mandatory ��ѹ�� masticatory stress N nevi ɫ���� O odontoclasis ����ora candidiasis ��ǻ�������oral hygiene ��ǻ���� oral pathology ��ǻ����ѧoral surgery ��ǻ��� osseous�ǵ�,���Ե�,��״��,�йعǵ� orthodontics ����ѧosteomyelitis of the jaws �ǹ�����occlusion ҧ�� �������� obliteration P pediatric dentistry ��ǻ����ѧperiodontal ligament �����ʹ� periodontal membrane ����Ĥ periodontics���ܲ�ѧprosthodontics ��ѧ pterygomandibular space ����϶public-health dentistry ��ǻԤ��ҽѧ pulp ����pulp exposure ���豩¶pulpectomy ����ժ����pulpitis ������ Ϣ��polypƽ�� planing Ԥ�� prognosis pyogenic osteomyelitis ��ŧ�Թ����� palate �� paradontoma ����Ĥ��parageusia ζ���쳣 paraglossa ����paraglossia ������paralalia �����ϰ����������� parotitis ������ periapical abscess ����ŧ�� periapical disease �����ܲ� pericoronitis ������ periodontitis ������ permanent teeth ���� pulp horn ���papillae** R radiation osteomyelitis �����Թ�����radicular syst �������� recurrent aphthae �����Կڴ� reticular ��״�� ���� radiopaque root c** therapy ��������root of tooth ����root resorption �������� ��ʧ,���� resolution ��� remission���� restoration ��֧ ramification S sublingual gland syst ����������sublingual space ���¼�϶ submasseteric space ������϶submaxillary space ��¼�϶ sebaceous cyst Ƥ֬���� sialolithiasis ��ʯ��sublinguitis �������� ѹ��strangulation �� sulcus ���ϵ� supragingival ���µ�subgingival ���ϵ�supraosseous ��,����scaling �̶� splinting���ಿ�� stump T tartar ��ʯ temporomandibular joint ��ؽ� thrush ��ڴ� tooth decay ȣ��tooth replantation ����ֲ�� torsion of teeth ��Ťתteeth ���� thyroglossal tract cyst ��״������� tongue �� tooth migration ���ƶ�tooth replacement ����λ toothache ��ʹ ����ǿ�� tensile strength
A B����ѧ etiology ���� �������� pathogenesis ����ճĤ buccal mucosa ��¶ exposure with ��Ҫ�� desirability �������� obliteration C���� incipient ���� parameter ��������ϸ�� odontoblast ����άϸ�� fibroblast ���� manipulate ������ traumatic ���� palpation ���� labial ���� labial surface �ؽ� reinstitute ��ȥ eliminate from ���ಿ�� stump ��ڹ�λ friction wall retention D �ﵽ fufil �����ͷ� eugenol �������� apicectomy retrograde filling E�� exacerbation ����palate ���� palatine surface F ��ϸ��fine ���� remission ���� in the vicinity of ���� hamper �̶� fixation ��֧ ramification G�ƻ� calcified �� sulcus ��Ӳ�� lamina dura ���ڵ�intraosseous ���ϵ�supraosseous �̶� splinting ���� curettage ���� ameliorative �� coronal ����� apical foramen ��ʬ�� mummification ���� root c** ��λ�� groove retention ��������� periapical curretage H���� buffering ������,�̺�� subsequent ������Ƥ���� Hertvig��s root sheath ���� paste J�� alkali ���� matrix ���ʵ�mesenchymal ���apical apices �ֲ�ȱѪ ischaemia �� crest ��,����scaling ��� clinical examination ��ԭ��ά collagen fiber �����֯ connective tissue ���� proccess into ��϶������ space maintainer �̷�ȣ recurrent caries ��ѹ�� masticatory stress ��(��)���� faciolingual �β��λ devetail retention ���� providede that ����canine teeth ���� buccal surface K�������� cultivatable �� foramen Ƕ�� impaction ������ feasibility �����reversible ��ѹǿ�� compressive strength ����ǿ�� tensile strength L�ڼ�� interproximal M ��� remission ���ݵ�,��ѧ�� esthetic �����,ǿ�Ƶ� mandatory N�ڶ��� endotoxin O Pƽ�� equilibrium ƽ�� planing ��ˮdrainage ����,���� assement Q��� cocci �������� calcium hydroxide ��е����instrumentation ����incisor teeth R��ѿ granulation S���� rinse susceptibility ���� ������ exuate ���� shrikage ʧ�� disharmony ��ǻ pulp cavity ɢ�� diffusion ʧ�� devitalize ��м debris ��insult �����е�� biomechanical ˫���� bicuspid tooth ���� lingual surface T̼ˮ������ carbonhydrate ���� diabetes ̽�� probing ��Һ���� salivary glands ճĤ���� mucosal surface ���� exfoliation U V W��״��reticular XϢ��polyp ��ʧ,���� resolution ������ notable ����confine ���� restoration Y���Ƶ� predominant ������anaerobic�����pulpal���� susceptibility ��ȣ�� cariogenic ������ pulpitis ѹ��strangulation ���� gingivitis ��ʯ calculus ������ periodontitis ���ϵ� supragingival ���µ�subgingival ���� col Բ�� rounded ��֢������ inflammatory exudate Ԥ�� prognosis ����Ĥ periodontal membrane �������۹� periapical bone �����ж��� pulpotomy ԤԼ appointment ����ժ���� pulpectomy ������ tooth hemisection Z�к� netralization ������,��ֵ�� hyperplastic ��Ƥcorium ���� chief complaint ��� diagnosis ���� treatment ����ѧ��,���Ƶ� therapeutic ����ѧ�� orthodontic ժ�� extirpation �� barrier ���� radiopaque ����� axio-pulpal |